Associate Professor Sarah Chicken

Associate Professor Sarah Chicken

Principal Investigator, University of the West of England

Sarah is a Senior Lecturer in Childhood and Education with areas of expertise in curriculum models that recognise the voice of young children in their learning, and inclusive pedagogical practices.

Sarah’s areas of interest include children's rights, the voice of the child and democratically and critical pedagogies.

Dr Jacky Tyrie

Dr Jacky Tyrie

Co-Investigator, Swansea University

Jacky is a senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies and programme director on the MA Education. Her research interests are around young children's rights from a policy and practice perspective. She is a national leader on young children’s rights and runs in the Children’s Rights in Early Years Network (CREYN).

Dr Jane Waters-Davies

Dr Jane Waters-Davies

Co-Investigator, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David

Jane is an Associate Professor in Early Education and the Applied Research Lead for Education at UWTSD. Jane’s research interests include early years education and pedagogy, adult child interaction, play and learning outdoors and in, and young children’s voice and participation in education.

Dr Alison Murphy

Dr Alison Murphy

Co-Investigator, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David

Alison is a Lecturer in the Athrofa: Institute of Education at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Alison’s research interests are focused on children’s perceptions of national identity and what it means to be Welsh. She is also interested in inclusion and children’s rights and participatory research methods.

Dr Jennie Clement

Dr Jennie Clement

Co-Investigator, Cardiff Metropolitan University

Jennie is a Senior Lecturer in Teacher Education and Professional Learning. Jennie’s research interests consider the spaces created for young children’s learning within school contexts. She is also an aspiring Froebelian, interested in how Froebel’s principles can support curriculum design within the early years.

Professor Jane Williams

Professor Jane Williams

Co-Investigator, Swansea University

Jane is a Professor of Law at Swansea University's Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law and specialises in Public Law and Human Rights. Jane is also the co-founder of the Observatory on Human Rights of Children.

Louisa Roberts

Louisa Roberts

Research Associate, University of the West of England

Louisa’s research interests are in children and young people’s mental health and social care needs, and quantitative methodologies and data linkage. Louisa is completing an ESRC-funded PhD studentship using administrative datasets to look at factors affecting the transition from child to adult mental health services for young people with additional social care needs.

Georgia Fee

Georgia Fee

Research Administrator, University of the West of England

Georgia is the research administrator on the project who is in charge of all of our social media and ensures everything is running smoothly in the background day-to-day.

Jacqui Lewis

Jacqui Lewis

Researcher, University of the West of England

Jacqui’s research interests are rooted in a rights-based approach and advocacy for children and childhoods, and how qualitative methodologies can support a pedagogy of listening. Jacqui is interested in educators’ professional identity and formation of equitable relationships to empower reflexivity and growth.  

Dr Patrizio De Rossi

Dr Patrizio De Rossi

Research Associate, University of the West of England

Patrizio’s research interests include active play and physical literacy, and children and young people’s participation in education. He is passionate about co-production in research.

Debi Keyte-Hartland

Debi Keyte-Hartland


Debi is an international arts-educator and early years pedagogical consultant. Debi is interested in Reggio Emilian teachings and perspectives and offers a range of professional learning and development opportunities.