Darganfyddwch ganfyddiadau ymchwil, adroddiadau, ac astudiaethau a gynhaliwyd gan sefydliadau ac ymchwilwyr eraill sy’n ymwneud â chyfranogiad plant. Mae’r adran hon yn cynnig safbwyntiau amrywiol ar y pwnc. Unwaith eto, noder na fydd yr adnoddau hyn o reidrwydd yn adlewyrchu safbwyntiau’r prosiect nac yn cael eu cymeradwyo ganddo. 

Latest Ymchwil

A Focus Group Study on Participatory Practices in Early Childhood Education and Care Across Four European Countries

This study, inspired by the Lundy model (2007) examined teacher’s perceptions about child participation practices in 4 European Countries.  

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Participative rights in Welsh primary schools: Unpicking the policy rhetoric

This paper analyses and evaluates legislation and policy on children’s participative rights in Wales from 2000 to 2022, arguing there is a gap between policy and practice. 

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Towards attentive, playful arts-based methodology with children

This paper shares methodological insights from a piece on research which aimed to centre children on a study undertaken during the 2020 global pandemic.  

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Co-constructions, co-performances and co-reflections in early years qualitative research

This reflective paper written by early years researchers investigates their own role in co-construction in qualitative data analysis.  

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‘The power to SAY what I want to and it gets written down’: Situating children's and adults' voices and silence in participatory research

Co-constructed by adults and children, this paper examines and discusses the authors’ experience of a participatory research project. 

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Most of the Time we are Taking Decisions for Children

This paper investigates final-year student teachers in South Africa’s understanding about children’s participatory rights and how this influences their practice. 

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Does Participation Benefit Children’s Socio-Emotional Development? Positive Associations Between Children’s Participation and Self-Concept, Through Children’s Perceptions

This study examines associations between ECE teachers’ participation practices, observations of teacher-child interactions and children’s socio-emotional outcomes mediated by children’s perceptions of their own participation. 

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Exploring children’s participation from Froebelian practitioners’ perspectives in Scottish context

This piece of qualitative research investigates Scottish early years practitioners’ perspectives about children’s participation through a Froebelian lens.  

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Supporting Regional and Remote Children’s Participation in High Quality Early Years Services

This paper addresses the knowledge gap surrounding children’s participation in early childhood education (ECE) in regional/remote areas of Australia by exploring the perspectives of early childhood centre directors and educators who work directly in ECE services 

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A Caring Ethic and the Rights of the Child: Challenges for Early Childhood Education

This conceptual piece considers the following questions: what are the rights of the child, and how can these be centered in discussions of pedagogy, curricula and legislation in an American political and policy context. 

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Children’s participation in documentation processes in local outdoor spaces

This paper reports on a study that aimed to investigate how children ‘perform and document Land Art in local places ear their kindergarten’ and how they visualise their experience through drawings.  

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Questioning ‘voice’ and silence: Exploring creative and participatory approaches to researching with children through a Reggio Emilian lens

This paper draws upon the philosophy of Reggio Emilia to contribute to the debate around the ‘voice’ of the child in qualitative by exploring creative and participatory approaches to researching with children. 

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Parents Connect Hub: Parents and Children’s Rights

Access the children’s rights section of the new Parents Connect Hub from Children in Wales.  
Includes resources such as multi-lingual UNCRC posters and an Understanding Children’s Rights booklet. 

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Constructing child participation in early years classrooms: An exploration from Wales

This article was written by members of our team as a precursor to the project. The paper addresses the problem that, despite supportive policy contexts, enactment of pedagogies that attend to young children's participation rights in classroom settings is highly variable. 

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Learner experiences of low attainment groups in the context of a rights approach to education

This paper looks at attainment grouping in Wales and its effect on learner's experiences in the context of a rights approach to education. 

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A new dawn or false hope? Exploring the early implementation of Curriculum for Wales

This discussion paper explores the early evolution of the CfW. Taking a balanced approach, it considers the concept of subsidiarity and how it may be a ‘double-edged sword'. 

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Young children's right to be heard on the quality of their education: Addressing potential misunderstandings in the context of early childhood education

This paper explores potential misrepresentations of young children’s participation in decision-making in the context of early childhood education. 

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Children's participation in international fora: The experiences and perspectives of children and adults

This research explores the differing perceptions and experiences of children participating in high-level global events.  

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Child-researcher relationships in child protection research. An integrative review

This paper explores the nature of child-researcher relationships as well as examining researchers positions to further understand the impact of contexts on meaning making in research with children. 

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Children as co-researchers and confessional research tales: Researcher positionality and the (dis)comforts of research

In this paper, researchers reflect on the challenges of co-creation research with children in a study on children, families and food messages in Australia.  

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Is silencing children unethical?

This blog post considers how ethical approval procedures in higher education institutions can contribute to the silencing of children’s voices in research 

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The Tree(s) of Hope and Ambition: An arts‐based social science informed, participatory research method to explore children's future hopes, ambitions and support in relation to COVID‐19.

This paper reports on the findings of a longitudinal, arts-based social science-informed project that explored children’s hopes and ambitions after the COVID-19 pandemic.  

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Researcher positionality in eliciting young children’s perspectives

This research article focuses on the different types of issues that arise with research positionality drawing attention to the contingent and contextual nature of children’s engagement in the research process.  

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The meanings of ‘child participation’ in international and European policies on children(’s rights): A content analysis

This content analysis examines the differing meanings of ‘child participation’ in international and European policies on children’s rights. This paper argues that the multi-layered and complex concept of participation can lead to ambiguity resulting in discrepancies between policy and practice.

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Turning the UNCRC upside down: a bottom-up perspective on children's rights

This paper will present some of the significant early findings around a potential disjunction between rhetorical rights and lived rights. The authors will argue that the implementation and action around children's rights should be positioned from a bottom-up perspective, rather than constrained to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Articles.

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A response to decentralised governance of human rights: a Children's Rights Approach in Wales

This paper uses Wales as an “example of jurisdiction where decentralisation is a feature of children's rights, which has enabled a progressive approach to implementation"

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Children's Rights and Policy-Making: a 6 P framework.

This article discusses core elements of child’s rights policy through a six-point ‘P’ framework  

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The Field of Children's Rights: Taking Stock, Travelling Forward.

This article reviews the field of children’s rights research, in recognition of the 30 years of the UNCRC.  

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Revisiting the Three Rs in Order to Realize Children’s Educational Rights: Relationships, Resources, and Redress.

This chapter from the Oxford Handbook of Children’s Rights considers children’s educational rights through the lens of ‘the three ‘R’s’ 

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Life Under Coronavirus: Children’s Views on their Experiences of their Human Rights

This ground-breaking article describes the process and findings of the Life Under Coronavirus Study which captured the experience of over 26,000 children in 137 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic 

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‘Why am I in all of these pictures?’ From Learning Stories to Lived Stories: the politics of children’s participation in documentation practice

This paper reports on how young children’s participation rights were enacted within a set of Learning Stories in one Scottish nursery. 

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“What if we give them too much voice?” Teachers’ perceptions of the child’s right to participation

This paper reports on the findings from a set of interviews with high school teachers in Johannesburg on their understanding of the child’s rights to participation in matters that affect them  

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Turning the UNCRC upside down: a bottom-up perspective on children’s rights

This paper looks at the lived experience of children, from their own perspective, on their rights. 

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The relationship between subjective well-being in school and children’s participation rights: International evidence from the Children’s Worlds survey

Using data from the Children’s World survey, this paper focuses on the association between children’s involvement in decision-making in school and their subjective well-being 

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The development of a rights-based approach to participation: from peripheral involvement to central participation of children, parents and professionals

This paper reports on one aspect of a larger project which aims to understand the importance of participatory pedagogies when building up a rights-based approach in schools. 

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Information & Reports

Spatially Democratic Pedagogy: Children’s Design and Co-Creation of Classroom Space

This paper reports on the findings of an intervention in a primary school in Wales where children were given the opportunity to design and co-create their classroom space

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Perceptions of Prospective Pre-school Teachers Regarding Children’s Right to Participate in Classroom Activities

This paper reports on the positive and negative behaviours regarding children’s participation rights of pre-school teachers 

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Measuring Children’s Experience of Their Right to Participate in School and Community: A Rights-Based Approach

This paper uses a qualitive methodology to test the reliability of a new children’s rights-based measure. 

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Learning from children’s voices in schools: Experiences from Ireland

This research brings together children and young people, teachers, school principals and parents to gauge their opinions towards participation by students in Irish schools 

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“In Fact, We Can All Decide”. An Action Research on the Participation Right of Young Children

This research aims to encourage young children’s participation rights through planning concrete and new arrangements in school  

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Four arenas of school-based participation: towards a heuristic for children’s rights-informed education practice

This paper looks at the links made by young people between their participation rights and ‘doing well’ at school 

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Children’s rights-based approaches: the challenges of listening to taboo/discriminatory issues and moving beyond children’s participation

This paper draws upon ethnographic research undertaken in Scotland, critically reflecting on children’s rights-based approaches and processes of children’s active participation in early childhood settings. 

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Children’s perspectives on why and when teachers listen to their ideas: Exploring opportunities for participation in the early years of school

This paper reports on the results of a longitudinal interview study with children aged 6 to 9 years of age In Australia. Children were interviewed about their perspectives of being listened to by their teachers. 

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Children changing spaces, changing schools

This participatory action research takes place in the UK, using an original approach to consider children’s participation in schools. 

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An Analysis of Children’s Right to Participation at Primary Schools in Turkey: A Case Study

This case study looks at a primary school in Turkey to explore to what level children’s right to participation was realised. 

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Children’s right to participation in AI: Exploring transnational co-creative approaches to foster child-inclusive AI policy and practice

This policy review uses the context of the UNCRC to consider the lack of children’s participation on a global scale in AI policy and practice. 

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Child participatory research methods: Attempts to go ‘deeper’

Using participatory methods with children in Ireland, this paper reflects on how to achieve ‘deeper’ participation. 

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Children’s participation: moving from the performative to the social

This article presents findings from a study of children’s own experiences of participation in a variety of contexts such as at home, at school and in the community.  

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Using participatory design approaches in educational research

This paper draws upon methodological foundations of participatory methods in education from Scandinavia, and how these principles can be applied in a modern, educational context. 

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‘I wish that COVID would disappear, and we'd all be together’: Maintaining Children's friendships during the Covid-19 pandemic

This research listens to the voices of 10 children regarding friendship disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data is collected through creative participatory methods including drawings, photographs and collages.  

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Children as co-researchers in pandemic times: Power and participation in the use of digital dialogues with children during the COVID-19 lockdown

This paper documents co-participatory research with children in six primary schools in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Reimagining children's participation: a child rights informed approach to social justice in tourism

Using two examples of child injustice in tourism-related contexts, this paper proposes the needs for a child-rights informed approach to participation in tourism research, policy and practice. 

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An investigation of early childhood education teachers’ attitudes, behaviours, and views regarding the rights of the child

This study investigates the attitudes, behaviors, and views on the rights of the child in early childhood education (ECE) teachers in Turkey.   

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How educators commit to enhancing children’s participation in early childhood education pedagogical plans

This descriptive study investigates how practices of children’s participation were conceived in pedagogical plans made by early childhood educator staff. 

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Teachers’ practices mediate the association between teachers’ ideas and children’s perceived participation in early childhood education

This quantitative study investigates if early childhood education teachers’ ideas on children’s participation is associated with child participation. 

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Children’s participation rights in schools — teachers’ beliefs and practices

This paper investigates Croatian elementary, middle, and high school teachers' beliefs about children’s participation. 

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Child Participation in the Early Years: Challenges for Education

This research article reviews the field of child participation in Australia, claiming that young children’s participation rights are not key agenda items for early childhood education. 

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Children’s Participation, Childhood Publics and Social Change

This paper reviews children’s participation in England, offering an alternative perspective by reconnecting children’s rights to social movements and the possibility of child publics 

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Multi-dimensional lens to article 12 of the UNCRC: a model to enhance children’s participation

This article explores the experiences of marginalised children in Brazil, examining how their identities can either help or hinder their participation. 

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‘Can we see our voices?’ Young children’s own contributions to authentic child participation as a pillar for sustainability under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

This paper explores how the implementation of a rights-based research methodology can contribute to climate change research and education with young children. 

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Reflections on the enactment of children’s participation rights through research: Between transactional and relational spaces

This research article reflects on the development of young people’s participation – in particular through a transformational model of participation 

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My Corona: listening to children in corona times

This research paper brings together three of the young journalists who worked on The Corona Times Journal to reflect on their experiences of being involved in the project. 

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Voices of young children aged 3-7 years in educational research: an international systematic literature review

This first of its kind systematic review explores how and if, young children’s voices are listened to in education research  

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Through a different lens: exploring Reggio Emilia in a Welsh context

This paper explores the results of a project that was granted funding to introduce the Reggio Emilia approach into Welsh schools  

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Thirty years after the UNCRC: children and young people’s participation continues to struggle in a COVID-19 word

This article examines the implication of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and young people’s participation rights. 

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‘Doing Reggio?’ Exploring the complexity of ‘curriculum’ migration through a comparison of Reggio Emilia, Italy and the EYFS, England

This paper explores key aspects of the Reggio Emilia method, comparing it with the curriculum for young children within England. 

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Children's right to participate in early childhood education settings: A systematic review

This systematic review explores the ways in which early education research attends to children’s participation.

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‘Voice’ is not enough: conceptualising Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

This paper from Laura Lundy introduces the ‘Lundy Model’ for children and young people’s participation.

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Children and Young People’s Participation: Good Practice guide

This resource from the Welsh Government, aimed at practitioners, and anybody who works with children, provides best practice guidelines for children’s participation.

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Information & Reports

7 Golden rules for participation – Childrens Commission for Scotland

Follow this link to access a child friendly resource produced by the Children’s Commissioner for Scotland on the ‘7 Golden Rules for Participation’. Includes prompts for both children and adults to think about.  

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Information & Reports

Listen and Change. A Guide to Children and Young People’s Participation Rights

This is a guide provided by Save the Children on children and young people’s participation rights.

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Information & Reports

Council of Europe – Child Participation Rights

A link to the Council of Europe’s section of their website on Children’s Participation.

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Information & Reports

Preschool children’s agency in education for sustainability: the case of Sweden

This research article explores how the revised preschool curriculum in Sweden has encouraged and improved children’s participation and agency in relation to sustainability.

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