Stay informed about the latest news related to young children's participation in education. This section includes news articles, press releases, and event announcements. Please keep in mind that the views and endorsements expressed in these news items may not necessarily align with our project's perspectives.
Latest News & Events
New Article: Children in Wales Winter edition
We are pleased to announce our project is featured in the winter edition of the Children in Wales magazine! Follow the link to see our article alongside some other insightful pieces related to children’s issues in Wales.
Children in Wales: 30th Anniversary Celebration Event
This event, held in the Neuadd in the Senedd, celebrates 30 years of Children in Wales. This event will also see the launch of a celebratory book, ‘Pause, Play, Fast-Forward: The Journey of Children in Wales’ which has been written by a group of young volunteers.
Event: Children's Participation in Schools Symposium
You are invited to a seminar where we will present our findings from the first phase of this exciting ESRC-funded research project, where we explored:
- a critical analysis of the position of teachers in Wales regarding children’s participative rights in education, and
- how students in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) are prepared for this responsibility.
Join us to find out more and discuss the implications of this phase of the research, as well as hear about the second phase in which we are working with schools across Wales to explore the pedagogical implications of children’s participation.
This online event is on: Thursday 18th January from 3.30 – 5pm
New call on the rights of the child – European Commission funded
The 2024 call on the rights of the child is now open until 26th March 2024. The call covers four main priorities:
Children's mental health, embedding a rights of the child perspective in actions at national and local level, children’s engagement and participation and understanding democratic rights, which starts in childhood.
Training Course: Meaningful Child and Youth Participation in Public Decision-Making
This self-led course aims to refresh adults’ knowledge of policy and their role as duty bearers to uphold children’s rights. This course is aimed at public decision makers and professionals working for and with children and young people.
Announcement: New Members Area on the Website!
We are delighted to announce that we have introduced a new and exciting feature to our Website especially for "Members only". Members will be able to post words, images and links and become connected with others in the network via Padlet.
Sign up to our Collaborative Network to gain access to this feature now!
Event: Save the Children UK – Learning Network Event, Young Children’s Voice
This event hosted by Save the Children will explore the core principles and considerations when listening to the voices of babies and young children and will include presnetations from Rhona Matheson (the Chief Executive of Starcatchers), Dr Steffi Keir and Dr Lorna Arnott. This event will take place on Thursday 30th November 2023
Events: The Observatory on Human Rights of Children, Annual Lecture on Children's Rights.
Sign up here to attend the Observatory on Human Rights of Children’s annual lecture on Children’s Rights. This year's lecture will be presented by Professor Ann Skelton and will reflect on how decentralised government and public authorities can act as 'disruptors for change' and as catalysts for progress on children's rights. The event will take place on Wednesday 29th November 2023
Blog: Power of Inquiry - Adopting a Culture of Practitioner Research and Evidence-Informed Practice
A blog from Research Assistant Jacqui Lewis on how we can contribute to a culture whereby we listen authentically to children, families and staff in schools by conducting practioner led research
European Early Childhood Education Research Association
The Children’s Particiption in Schools project has recently presented at the 2023 European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) conference in Lisbon, Portugal.