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Course: Direct Work to Engage with Care Experienced Children and Young People

Posted by: Georgia | Date: 31/07/23

This one-day training course from Children in Wales will use a child rights-based approach to engaging care experienced children and young people.  Multiple dates are available to book – follow the link for sign up of the next available date (September 11th) 



Latest News & Events

Project Publication: Participative rights in Welsh primary schools: Unpicking the policy rhetoric


Our very first project publication 'Participative rights in Welsh primary schools: Unpicking the policy rhetoric' is now live! Read here

New Blog: Reflections on Year 1 of the Children’s Participation in Schools project


Check out this new blog from PI Sarah Chicken, reflecting on the first year of the project. You can also find this in our Resources section too!

Event: Amplifying Research Voices & Highlighting Young Children in Emergency Settings: South Asia


This event, hosted by the Moving Minds Alliance’s Research Forum will take place on April 4th and will showcase emerging research on children and families effected by crisis and conflict in South Asia.

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Project Partners

This website was designed for the Children’s Participation in Schools research project; a collaborative project among the University of the West of England, Swansea University, University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Cardiff Metropolitan University, funded by the Education Research Programme at the Economic Social Research Council.

Trinity Saint David