Stay informed about the latest news related to young children's participation in education. This section includes news articles, press releases, and event announcements. Please keep in mind that the views and endorsements expressed in these news items may not necessarily align with our project's perspectives.

Latest News & Events

Delivering a Global Presentation on how the Lundy Model can be used to develop Pupil Agency


Sign up here for the Global School Alliance May Conference talk from Paul Browning on how the Lundy Model can be used to develop Pupil Agency 

Children’s Participation in Schools is now on Instagram!


Our project Instagram is now live! Click the link to follow us and keep up to date with all things child participation in picture form! 

Voices into Action: Including the Voices of Learners and their Families in Educational Decision-Making


Read here about an exciting project from the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. The project examines the critical issue of involving voices of learners and their families and how to effectively include them in decision-making

COVID–19, Education and Learning: Amplifying Young Children’s Voices


Check out this new report from Welsh Government on amplifying young children’s voices throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Empowering Children: A Framework for Observation and Reflection


This online seminar is focusing on the digital ‘Empowerment Framework’ which enables empowering behaviours in children to be observed and reflected upon. 

Better together - Participatory Research with Children and Young People


This online seminar from the Open University looks at participatory research with children and young people and its advantages. 

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